captainboehlke: Wow, it's been a while. Surprised and filled with Nostalgia seeing the "Remastered" SFH on Steam. Hope y'all are having wonderful lives. I'm living the dream, completed my carpentry apprenticeship, enjoying married life with kid #3 on the way
Nov 15, 2023 1:13:22 GMT
domi811: BTW, I'm Domi811/Doki. I'm not a programmer, but I'm a childhood SFH fan and got myself into helping two remake projects, and happen to monitor three servers.
Jan 5, 2021 21:00:32 GMT
dargo: Okay, so. SFH remake people. I'm the owner of this forum. It's kinda dead, and so is the steam group you will find linked round here. I encourage y'all to make your own community, and wish you the best of luck.
Jan 5, 2021 20:58:21 GMT
dargo: I love yall. Hope you're doing good
Jan 5, 2021 20:12:11 GMT