This forum is a fan-built and managed community in tribute to the Flash Game company Sky9, of Strike Force Heroes and Raze fame.
It was designed to replace the now obsolete forums once maintained by Justin Goncalves, head of Sky9. He has since moved on to social media as his method of keeping in touch with his gaming audience. However, those of us who belonged to the "old" forums decided to keep the community going, so here we are.
Have fun and please don't hesitate to contact an Admin should you need to.
Best wishes,
The Admin Team:
[Admin & Mod list will be added in due course]
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. - Bill Cosby
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. - Elbert Hubbard
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. - Isaac Asimov
captainboehlke: Wow, it's been a while. Surprised and filled with Nostalgia seeing the "Remastered" SFH on Steam. Hope y'all are having wonderful lives. I'm living the dream, completed my carpentry apprenticeship, enjoying married life with kid #3 on the way
Nov 15, 2023 1:13:22 GMT
domi811: BTW, I'm Domi811/Doki. I'm not a programmer, but I'm a childhood SFH fan and got myself into helping two remake projects, and happen to monitor three servers.
Jan 5, 2021 21:00:32 GMT
dargo: Okay, so. SFH remake people. I'm the owner of this forum. It's kinda dead, and so is the steam group you will find linked round here. I encourage y'all to make your own community, and wish you the best of luck.
Jan 5, 2021 20:58:21 GMT
dargo: I love yall. Hope you're doing good
Jan 5, 2021 20:12:11 GMT